It seems a lot of HIT sufferers have in addition SIBO. Does anyone know how long it takes for SIBO to go away after following a low histamine diet? I have been on a low histamine diet for just over three months now.
Are you having any sugar at all? It took me about 6 months to get rid of my SIBO - but I wasn't eating any sugar at all and my diet was very low in complex carbs.
You're treating this only through diet? When are you scheduled for another hydrogen breath test?
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!
I can't comment on that because I never used it. I'll try and ask for you.
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!
6 months, so hopefully mine will be gone soon then. I don't eat anything with sugar in, but do have a small amount of honey each day and various fruits.
My stomach makes far less noise these days but I do still have the occasional bad day so I know it hasn't gone away completely yet.
I haven't been able to book another hydrogen breath test yet as am hoping dirk is coming back to clinic soon. Do you know if any where else does the breath test?
I eat lots of probiotic Greek style yoghurt which I believe is good for the gut, does anyone know if it's worth using antibiotics or olive oil tablets?
If I ate probiotic yoghurt every day my tummy would give me trouble...I can't handle that much fermentation. The reluctant raw foodist and I were just talking about that a few days ago: the dilemma that we need some probiotic but that it does make us feel quite rough in the short term (but that Dirk always encouraged us to have a little keffir).
I'm getting a list of all the labs where we can get the tests done, will post here as soon as he sends it over.
Might be a good idea to get tested before adding anything else to your diet?
As a side note, maybe rather than tablets try the tea? I bought some olive leaf tea at Planet Organic on Westbourne Grove the other day. Not for SIBO (mine is gone) but as a caffeine free alternative to tea.
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!
I generally don't eat much sugar other than fruit. Used to eat 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate a day but had to can that So for eliminating SIBO, where do you draw the sugar line? Are sweet potatoes okay in moderation? Low histamine fruit (is there such a thing?)?
Also, what does the olive leaf tea taste like? Or is it too hard to describe? Ie does it taste at all like olives or olive oil?
With SIBO, I just stopped the complex carbs and the refined sugars. I still had agave once in a while (as a mega treat). I wouldn't get rid of inulin rich foods (like sweet potato) which are pre-biotic. We need these foods to feed the good bacteria and help them thrive.
The olive leaf tea tastes quite mild. A tiny bit olive-y but more woody than anything else. I just treat this all like's good for me so I drink it and don't sweat the taste :)
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!
Thanks. I'm not too picky about taste. Would probably like the woody aspect! Oh, and the weird aspect even more
Didn't know sweet potatoes are high in inulin! That explains something ... always get gassy from inulin or any other prebiotic rich foods. I avoid them!
Actually, my bad! I can't find the source I had for sweet potatoes being inulin rich. Will find it and get back to you.
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!
Whereas most prebiotic rich foods I *know* cause a gas problem, I've been unsure about sweet potatoes, so it's not an obvious source to me based on my experience. Will be curious ...
My bad! I cannot find what I'm looking for. Happens to the best of us. At least it's not live on tv! I've been blessed with a decent bull@@it detector, but your flatulence indicator could be most handy in our future endeavors. Keep it at hand please!
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!
Yesterday my indicator indicated that sweet potatoes have inulin. I've suspected they have something and thought it was the sugar. But you mentioning inulin makes sense too.
Ahhhhh! But I can't find my source and I don't like that. I'll have another poke around.
I'm the Low Histamine Chef! Please feel free to ask me any questions. Please visit the site for information on Histaminosis/Histamine Intolerance and to download a copy of the Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book today!